24-25/06/2019: Participation in the ADAPTtoClimate conference
Representatives of the NOA and NTUA project teams participated in the ADAPTtoClimate conference, which was held at Heraklion (Crete) on 24 - 25 June.
Representatives of the NOA and NTUA project teams participated in the ADAPTtoClimate conference, which was held at Heraklion (Crete) on 24 - 25 June.
On March 26th, the Municipality of Reggio Emilia organized along with IUAV a dissemination / technical meeting open to the public entitled “The impact of climate changes in Reggio Emilia: towards an adaptation strategy”.
The project team would like to thank the Green Fund for co-funding the NTUA activities. More specifically, according to the Decision Number 138.6/2018 of the Management Board of the Green Fund, the amount of 15,000 Euro was approved for the year 2018 for NTUA.