UrbanProof International Conference
Monday, 19 April 2021
SESSION I | Decision support tools for adaptation |
10.00-10.30 | Christina Papadaskalopoulou, National Technical University of Athens The UrbanProof toolkit - A decision support system for assisting municipalities in adaptation planning - PDF |
10.30-10.45 | Zuzana Hudekova, Bratislava Municipality Karlova Ves Urban adaptation and mitigation - evaluation, tools, action plans and measures (case study Bratislava Karlova Ves) - PDF |
10.45-11.00 | Montse Martinez Puentes, Aquatec (Suez Spain) LIFE BAETULO: An Integrated Early Warning System for multi-hazard and risk management to ensure climate change adaptation - PDF |
10.45-11.00 | Anna Karali, National Observatory of Athens The Adapt2Clima tool for supporting adaptation planning in agriculture - PDF |
11.15-11.30 | Break |
Monday, 19 April 2021
SESSION II | Climate research and Funding |
11.30-11.45 | Phoebe Koundouri, Athens University of Economics and Business, Fellow World Academy of Art and Science, President-Elect of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, Co-chair UN SDSN Europe Sustainable recovery from COVID-19: Co-Developing the Future Vision for a Sustainable Europe Co-Designing the Pathways via Research-Innovation-Policy Interface |
11.45-12.00 | Pierantonios Papazoglou, Climate & Atmosphere Research Centre – The Cyprus Institute Brief Overview of Upcoming EU Funding Programmes for Climate and the Environment - PDF |
12.00-12.15 | Marilena Papastavrou, LIFE National Contact Point in Cyprus LIFE makes a difference - PDF |
12.15-12.30 | Nikos Psimmenos, GREEN FUND, Climate change officer, Greek LIFE Task Force The LIFE Programme in Greece - PDF |
Monday, 19 April 2021
SESSION III | Adaptation plans and strategies (Part A) |
12.30-12.45 | Carlotta Bonvicini, Reggio Emilia town Councillor of Sustainibility Policies The local Adaptation Strategy of Reggio Emilia and the implemented adaptation measures - LIFE UrbanProof project - PDF |
12.45-13.00 | Giovanni Vicentini, Municipality of Padova The Veneto Adapt project: central Veneto cities adapting to climate change - PDF |
13.00-13.15 | Dafne Mazo, Member of the Life IP Urban Klima 2050 Coordinating Team Urban Klima 2050: the Basque Country's largest Climate Action project for the coming years - PDF |
13.15-13.30 | Athina Kyriakou, Lakatamia municipality Development of the local climate action plan for the municipality of Lakatamia and renovation of the Melina Merkouri roundabout - LIFE UrbanProof project - PDF - VIDEO 1 - VIDEO 2 - VIDEO 3 - VIDEO 4 |
13.30-13.45 | Louisa Marie Shakou, Cyprus Energy Agency Climate Change Adaptation in Small Cities: How to support them on the journey to climate resilience - PDF |
13.45-14.00 | Béla Viskolcz, University of Miskolc Cooperation between local governments and industrial companies in the field of adaptation to climate change - a case study |
14.00-14.15 | Tomáš Jungwirth, Center for Transport and Energy Introduction of the Unify project and role of local authorities in climate action - PDF |
14.15-14.30 | Zoé Lavocat, Réseau Action Climat France French Regional Observatory as a tool for monitoring regions' climate and energy action - PDF |
14.30-15.00 | Lunch Break |
Monday, 19 April 2021
SESSION IV | Blue, green and grey infrastructure for adaptation |
15.00-15.15 | Zsuzsanna Hercig, Ministry of Interior of Hungary Local climate adaptation by NWRMs (Natural Water Retention Measures) - Introducing the LIFE-MICACC project - PDF |
15.15-15.30 | Simos Malamis, National Technical University of Athens The Η2020 HYDROUSA project - PDF |
15.30-15.45 | Francesco Marchese, Emanuele Raso, Cinque Terre National Park STONEWALLSFORLIFE project: how to achieve climate change adaptation through both tradition and innovation - PDF |
15.45-16.00 | Maria Loizidou, National Technical University of Athens Integrated Brine Management - PDF |
16.00-16.15 | Francesco Musco, University IUAV of Venice The importance of ICT and Design in climate proof planning |
16.15-16.30 | Flaminia Ventura, Fabio Orlandi, University of Perugia Urban trees: measuring their contribution to the Heat Island mitigation to improve citizens awarness and good practices |
16.30-16.45 | Giuliana Bonvicini, Centro Ceramico LIFE SUPERHERO – Sustainability and PERformances for HEROTILE-based energy efficient roofs - PDF |
16.45-17.00 | Francisco Miguel Moral Moreno, Centro Tecnológico de la Construcción Región de Murcia Cool pavements for future cities. Results from LIFE HEATLAND (Spain) - PDF |
Tuesday, 20 April 2021
SESSION V | Adaptation plans and strategies (Part B) |
10.00-10.15 | Katharina Schrot, TU Dortmund University The Evolving Roadmapping approach: joined forces for climate robust regions. Practical experiences from the LIFE-project “Evolving Regions - PDF |
10.15-10.30 | Patrizia Bianconi, Region Emilia Romagna The Emilia-Romagna policies for the climate change and the ecological transition - PDF |
10.30-10.45 | Theodoulos Mesimeris, Department of Environment, Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment Presentation of the National Adaptation Strategy and other relevant national adaptation actions - PDF |
10.45-11.00 | Eleni Andreou, Strovolos municipality Development of the local climate action plan of Strovolos municipality and creation of a sustainable urban park - LIFE UrbanProof project - PDF - VIDEO |
11.00-11.15 | Rafael Ataz Gómez, Instituto de Fomento de la Región de Murcia Lifeadaptate Project: Common methodology for the development of sustainable energy and climate action plans in European Municipalities - PDF |
11.15-11.30 | Nikos Venetas, Peristeri municipality Development of the adaptation plan for the municipality of Peristeri and installation of a monitoring network for informing citizens - LIFE UrbanProof project - PDF |
11.30-11.45 | Cinzia Davoli, Città metropolitana di Milano & Marina Trentin, Ambiente Italia LIFE METRO ADAPT: enhancing climate change adaptation strategies and measures in the Metropolitan City of Milan - PDF |
11.45-12.00 | Break |
Tuesday, 20 April 2021
SESSION VI | Climate change and heat-related impacts |
12.00-12.15 | Elena Xoplaki, Justus Liebig University of Giessen How early societies adapted to climatic changes - PDF |
12.15-12.30 | Nikolaos Mihalopoulos, National Observatory of Athens CLIMPACT: The Greek National Network on Climate Change and its Impacts - PDF |
12.30-12.45 | Panos Hadjinicolaou, The Cyprus Institute Urban heat and global warming - PDF |
12.45-13.00 | Panayiotis Kouis, Respiratory Physiology Laboratory, Medical School, University of Cyprus The LIFE MEDEA childhood asthma study for mitigation of desert dust health effects: implementation of novel methods for assessment of air pollution exposure and lessons learned- PDF |
13.00-13.15 | Konstantinos Varotsos, National Observatory of Athens Historical climate and future climate change projections for Urbanproof municipalities - PDF |
13.15-13.30 | Ioannis Lemesios, National Observatory of Athens Mapping of the Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect in the Municipality of Peristeri - PDF |
13.30-13.45 | Maria Doula, Benaki Phytopathological Institute Greenhouse gases in our daily life-Society engagement - PDF |
13.45-14.00 | Christos Giannakopoulos, National Observatory of Athens Heat related impact assessment on urban municipalities - PDF |
14.00-14.15 | Basil Psiloglou, National Observatory of Athens Typical Meteorological Years for 33 locations in Greece: a handy tool for various applications - PDF |
14.15-14.30 | P. Drogoudi, A. Kunz, M. Blanke, Demeter Naoussa and University of Bonn What has changed in climate change mitigation strategies on cherry growing in Naoussa, Greece and Bonn, Germany? - PDF |
14.30-14.45 | Stavros Keppas, Laboratory of Atmospheric Physics, School of Physics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki LIFE ASTI: Thermal Perception of the Urban Heat Island effect and Future Projections - PDF |
14.45-15.00 | Break |
Tuesday, 20 April 2021
SESSION VII | Blue and green solutions for adaptation and mitigation |
15.00-15.15 | Gertjan Zwolsman, Strategist Water Resources, Dunea N.V., Project Coordinator LIFE-Freshman LIFE-Freshman: Increasing freshwater availability in the coastal zone of The Netherlands and Flanders - PDF |
15.15-15.30 | Marta Arosio, ALDA - European Association for Local Democracy Natural Water Management and Territorial Resilience: the case of LIFE Beware in the Altovicentino - PDF |
15.30-15.45 | Lucas Perea Gil, EMASESA Water efficient systemic concept for the climate change adaptation in urban areas - PDF |
15.45-16.00 | Dimitris Malamis, National Technical University of Athens A circular economy system for multi-source biomass conversion to added value products - PDF |
16.00-16.15 | Konstantinos C. Makris, Cyprus University of Technology Towards climate resilience using public health and sustainable food systems - PDF |
16.15-16.30 | Salustiano Torre Casado, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), Jose Fermoso, CARTIF Foundation LIFE-myBUILDINGisGREEN: Climate Adaptation of schools and social buildings with Nature-based Solutions - PDF |
16.30-16.45 | Mihaela Mircea, Italian National Agency for New Technologies Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA) Life VEG-GAP project: vegetation impacts on air temperature and air quality |
16.45-17.00 | Paolo Viskanic | R3GIS, Innovative tools for green areas management and citizens involvement - PDF |
17.00-17.15 | Closing Session - Conluding Remarks |