LIFE SUPERHERO: Sustainability and Performances for HERPOTILE-based energy efficient roofs
The overarching objective of LIFE SUPERHERO is to spread and encourage the use of VPRs as an effective solution for climate adaptation and mitigation.
To this aim, the following specific objectives will be pursued:
- Production of a standardised roof air permeability test method included in a European Technical Assessment (ETA) and a CEN standard;
- Modification of actual credits of the green environmental rating systems and public procurement of buildings to include the environmental benefits of VPRs;
- Creation of a Type-II environmental labelling for VPRs;
- Modification of CEN standards to include roof ventilation/permeability in the energy calculation methods of buildings;
- Renovation of two buildings in Reggio Emilia with HBR, to demonstrate the improved energy/environmental performance of the solution and its cost-effectiveness;
- Creation of a best practice for the installation of HBR in the context of the Covenant of Majors initiative;
- Release of the SUPERHERO software, as a decision support tool for building consultants and public administrations, to be used in the building design process and for climate planning purposes; and
- Upgrading a conventional roof tiles production line into a HEROTILE one, as part of a best practice for tiles producers.
In this way, the project will contribute to the implementation of:
The EU Climate Adaption Strategy, by testing and fostering best practices and solutions for climate change adaption and reduction of the Urban Heat Island effect;
The 2020 Climate and Energy Package, by reducing the energy requirements for summer cooling and the related CO2 emissions;
The Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy, by improving the climate and energy performance of buildings in Reggio Emilia (a signatory of the covenant) and by developing best practices to be shared with the Covenant of Mayors initiative; and
The Energy Performance of Buildings Directive, with particular attention to the targets set for Nearly Zero-Energy Buildings, with the aim of accelerating the cost-effective renovation of existing buildings, and by introducing new provisions to enhance smart technologies and technical building systems.